multiml.agent package



Module contents

class multiml.agent.Agent

Bases: object

Base class of Agent.

abstract execute()

Execute Agent.

abstract finalize()

Finalize Agent.

class multiml.agent.Metric

Bases: object

Abstraction class of metric calculation.

abstract calculate()

Return calculated metric.

class multiml.agent.BaseAgent(saver=None, storegate=None, task_scheduler=None, metric=None, metric_args=None)

Bases: Agent

Base class of agent.

All agent class need to inherit this BaseAgent class.

__init__(saver=None, storegate=None, task_scheduler=None, metric=None, metric_args=None)

Initialize base agent.

  • saver (Saver or str) – Saver class instance. If saver is None, Saver class instance is created without any args. If If saver is str, Saver` class instance is created with given save_dir.

  • storegate (StoreGate or dict) – StoreGate class instance. If dict is given, StoreGate class instance is created with given dict args.

  • task_scheduler (TaskScheduler or list) – TaskScheduler class instance. If ordered tasks (list) are given, TaskScheduler is initialized with ordered tasks. Please see TaskScheduler class for details.

  • metric (str or BaseMetric) – str or Metric class instance. If str is given, Metric class is searched from multiml.agent.metric, and initialized with metric_args below.

  • metric_args (dict) – arbitrary args of Metric class. This option is valid only if metric is str.


Execute base agent.

Users need to implement algorithms.


Finalize base agent.


Execute and finalize base agent.

property storegate

Return storegate of base agent.

property saver

Return saver of base agent.

property task_scheduler

Return task_scheduler of base agent.

property metric

Return metric of base agent.

class multiml.agent.SequentialAgent(differentiable=None, diff_pretrain=False, diff_task_args=None, num_trials=None, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseAgent

Agent execute sequential tasks.


>>> task0 = your_task0
>>> task1 = your_task1
>>> task2 = your_task2
>>> agent = SequentialAgent(storegate=storegate,
>>>                         task_scheduler=[task0, task1, task2],
>>>                         metric=your_metric)
>>> agent.execute()
>>> agent.finalize()
__init__(differentiable=None, diff_pretrain=False, diff_task_args=None, num_trials=None, **kwargs)

Initialize sequential agent.

  • differentiable (str) – keras or pytorch. If differentiable is given, ConnectionTask() is created based on sequential tasks. If differentiable is None (default), sequential tasks are executed step by step.

  • diff_pretrain (bool) – If True, each subtask is trained before creating ConnectionTask()`.

  • diff_task_args (dict) – arbitrary args passed to ConnectionTask().

  • num_trials (ine) – number of trials. Average value of trials is used as final metric.

property result

Return result of execution.


Execute sequential agent.


Finalize sequential agent.

execute_subtasktuples(subtasktuples, counter)

Execute given subtasktuples.

execute_pipeline(subtasktuples, counter, trial=None)

Execute pipeline.

execute_differentiable(subtasktuples, counter, trial=None)

Execute connection model.

class multiml.agent.RandomSearchAgent(samplings=None, seed=0, metric_type=None, num_workers=None, context='spawn', dump_all_results=False, disable_tqdm=True, **kwargs)

Bases: SequentialAgent

Agent executing random search..

__init__(samplings=None, seed=0, metric_type=None, num_workers=None, context='spawn', dump_all_results=False, disable_tqdm=True, **kwargs)

Initialize simple agent.

  • samplings (int or list) – If int, number of random samplings. If list, indexes of combination.

  • seed (int) – seed of random samplings.

  • metric_type (str) – ‘min’ or ‘max’ for indicating direction of metric optimization. If it is None, type is retrieved from metric class instance.

  • num_workers (int or list) – number of workers for multiprocessing or lsit of GPU ids. If num_workers is given, multiprocessing is enabled.

  • context (str) – fork (default) or spawn.

  • dump_all_results (bool) – dump all results or not.

  • disable_tqdm (bool) – enable tqdm bar.

property history

Return history of execution.


Execute simple agent.


Finalize grid scan agent.

execute_jobs(ctx, queue, args)

(expert method) Execute multiprocessing jobs.

execute_pool_jobs(ctx, queue, args)

(expert method) Execute multiprocessing pool jobs.

execute_wrapper(queue, subtasktuples, counter, cuda_id)

(expert method) Wrapper method to execute multiprocessing pipeline.

class multiml.agent.GridSearchAgent(**kwargs)

Bases: RandomSearchAgent

Agent scanning all possible subtasks and hyper parameters.


Initialize grid scan agent.


kwargs (dict) – arbitrary kwargs passed to RandomSearchAgent class.


Execute grid scan agent.